Are you already sick of ChatGPT talk?

I know I am. Social media - especially LinkedIn, where I've been hanging out a bit lately - is awash with opinions, hacks and 'Ultimate Guides to Copywriting With ChatGPT'.

But the reality is, however much we're all a bit bored of hearing about it, it's fast becoming a permanent fixture of content creation.

So - I hope you'll bear with me - here's our POV.

AI is exciting. There is something immensely satisfying typing a question into the machine, watching those little dots 'think' for a few seconds, and type a well-formed response.

It is an incredibly clever tool.

  1. It's great for research - giving you bullet points from which you can research and add wisdom

  2. It's great for inspiration - coming up with springboard ideas to leap from

  3. It's great when you're stuck - it can come up with headline ideas and FAQs and outlines

  4. It's great for people who can't afford copywriters, so that their own writing can be given a polish

But here's the thing.

Currently, it takes a lot of work, and a lot of time to get the content to where it needs to be.

  1. It can't nail brand voice

  2. It doesn't have lived experience

  3. It doesn't have the knowledge that lives inside human brains

  4. It doesn't have perspective or opinion

  5. It also runs great risk of being outdated, inaccurate and duplicate content

So as an experienced, highly skilled copywriter, by the time you've addressed all those things, you may as well have started from scratch.

So at The Contented Copywriter, currently we use AI tools like ChatGPT for research and ideas only. We re-write, fact-check and validate everything that it produces because we can't be confident in its quality and accuracy.

This is a space that will continue to evolve, and we'll be continuing to hone our skills in leveraging AI. But the story and integrity will always come first.

Brooke Hill